The last research lecture of the year will be given by Antoon Pelsser, Professor of Finance and Actuarial Science at SBE, but also Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. He will present one of his current projects for the parliament: The new model of the Dutch Parameter Committee for pricing and projecting pension liabilities. If you’re interested in a preview of the lecture, Antoon summarised it below:
The Dutch parliament is currently voting on a new Dutch pension bill, which will result in a large reform of the Dutch pension system. As part of the transition to the new system, the Dutch minister of Social Affairs has asked the co-called “Parameter Committee” to develop an updated model for pricing and projecting pension liabilities. I was one of the members of this committee, and in this research lecture I will present a summary of the new CP22 model.
The lecture will take place at SBE, TS53 C-1.03, at 19:00.
The evening will end with drinks at the Preuverij. 🍻