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SCOPE | Vectum Guest Lecture: "A Comfortable Life Worth Living"

  • SBE, Room H0.06 53 Tongersestraat, Maastricht, LI, 6211 LM Netherlands (map)

Dear Members,

We wish you a very happy carnival time and hope you all enjoy your week off!

After carnival, on Tuesday the 3rd of March at 19:30 o’clock, we invite you to join us for a Guest Lecture!

Albert Vijghen will give his Lecture “Masterclass: A Comfortable Life Worth Living”. Here’s what you can expect:

"Our society has never been as wealthy as it is right now. We have more access to choices and information than ever before. We also sometimes feel overwhelmed by this overload. On the one hand we are pushed to grow all the time, on the other hand we know we should accept how we are. Knowing how to create and live a life of balance is therefore highly valuable.

Many of us realize that we better think and act on this from time to time. We just don’t often do this today and act preventative, but only when facing a crisis, such as a burnout, the death of a loved one or living through a near-death experience ourselves. This is also why the majority of people unfortunately die with multiple preventable regrets and face depressive episodes from time to time.

This masterclass on “a comfortable life worth living” offers you great support in your unique life’s journey. Using a holistic and integral approach, we first figure out what the rights things are for you and then on how to do them right. We will learn how we can filter the best from the endless information, choices, actions and questions we get and how to concretely live it in our daily life.”

To already get a feeling of what we’ll cover, please think about the following before joining:

1.       What am I spending too much time on?

2.       What activity would I like to have in my life, but have difficulties implementing?

3.       Which activities/people/… make me truly feel alive?"

The lecture will take place at SBE in Room H0.06.

We are very excited and look forward to seeing you there!