You can now sign-up for the extra tutorials of period 1. In this period, we will be giving the first-year courses; “Linear Algebra” and “Analysis 1”. If you feel like you're having trouble understanding these courses or just want some more explanation on the topics, it might be wise to use the extra tutorials. These tutorials will be given by students who have mastered the courses and are very good at explaining the material to other students. The tutorials will be given in a physical setting, at the university.
Below you can find a brief overview of the courses:
Linear Algebra:
The tutors for this course are: Marie Corillon and Amber Rerimassie
The tutorials will take place in weeks 4 to 7
A total of 4 tutorials, two hours each, will be given, with the price of €60,-
Analysis 2:
The tutors for this course are: Emil Dotchev and Merle Praum
The tutorials will take place in weeks 4 to 7
A total of 4 tutorials, two hours each, will be given, with the price of €60,-
You can use the button below to sign-up. The deadline for signing up is Thursday the 16th of September, 23:59.