Besides having fun together, we at Vectum like to keep our brains in shape too. The first one for this year to take on this heavy task is one of UM’s Assistant Professors - Marc Schröder. Coming Tuesday, September 21, at 19:00, he will give us a taste of the applications of Game Theory by leading the Research Lecture “Network routing: from static to dynamic games”. If you’re feeling curious already, take a look at the small abstract from Marc Schröder himself:
Network routing games are used to model settings like traffic networks in which the travel time increases with the number of users. In this research lecture, I will give an overview of several different routing games. Starting with static routing games, we study the existence and efficiency of Wardrop equilibria. Static routing games are motivated by the long-run steady-state of traffic networks, but clearly, traffic flows are rarely static. That is why we continue with a class of dynamic routing games. We consider its queuing dynamics and analyse its equilibria.
As an added bonus, we, the board of Vectum, will briefly tell you about the various committees you can join to help strengthen the association. So, do you feel like getting active at Vectum, and want some more information? Then definitely join us this Tuesday, September 21, at 18:00!
Sign up using the button below!