“PerVectum gave me the opportunity to engage in the SCOPE | Vectum community in ways that have little to do with calculating integrals, for a change. In our small group of students and teachers, there exists an abundance of unique stories that we may not get to hear during a tutorial or after a Tuesday activity. I don't need to prove my last statement, but if you'd like a tangible example, then you can flip through some past editions of the PerVectum to read about alumni-turned-entrepreneurs, the secret chess and ballroom-dancing talents of professors, or students' lives from far away. In essence, the PerVectum documents SCOPE | Vectum's weekly activities, but it's up to you if you want to take the k+1st step and help us get to know each other a bit better.”
This was Fred’s experience with the PR committee last year. What will yours be?